Saturday, February 29, 2020

Academic Honesty Essay Example for Free (#3)

Academic Honesty Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA ? We can identify some forms of academic dishonesty as, copied exams, this implies to turn and see another student’s test, receiving or giving verbal and / or nonverbal, change the tests, hiding notes, or modification of quizzes. It can also occur in tasks, jobs and projects. It is possible to pass the task among students, falsify data, lack of contribution to a team, and hire someone to make their work. Other types can be present even with bribes or threats against the teacher. Through the plagiarism, the student gives the impression that you cannot learn or that do not want to learn. Also, you may not have a good relationship between student and teacher. â€Å"The love of learning is the most effective strategy to combat academic dishonesty. † Below are some reasons for plagiarism: – Reduced interest in learning – Plagiarism is easy to do – Many students are more interested in the grade than in the learning process – They are busy working or doing other things – Non appreciation of the knowledge Why is Academic Dishonesty Happening? Society has communicated the concept that students need to acquire a degree for future employment, financial security, and personal reasons (Choi, 2009; Cohen ; Brawer, 2003; McCabe, Butterfield, ; Trevino, 2006). And students often believe they will receive higher salaries from future employers if they have exceptional grades throughout their college careers (Norton, Tilley, Newstead, ; Franklyn-Stokes, 2001). This is a reality that plenty of students are living. Plenty of them are lucky enough like me, to get the job they’ve always wanted before they earn a degree. â€Å"Indeed, plagiarism and cheating are reflections of the need to get good grades at all cost; and, they continue to be serious problems in academia† (Danielsen, Simon, ; Pavlick, 2006; Fontana, 2009; Lipka, 2009; McCabe, 2009; McCabe et al. , 2006; Rosamond, 2002; Wilkerson, 2009). This is causing that some –early professionals- just try their best to rush their way into a degree without paying any attention to their assignments. In the beginning it was like that for me because honestly, I felt I was not learning anything. My reality was that I learned â€Å"everything† in the field. But soon enough I realized that college is not necessarily the place to learn specific topics, is the place where you were how to manage your knowledge and put it in the best use. At the end of the day academic dishonesty is a behavior that makes students gain an unfair advantage and it need to be avoid. â€Å"The risk of plagiarism in academic settings can be reduced by not setting the same essay every year. Burnard (2002) reflected on the possibility of plagiarism extending beyond coursework essays to dissertations. He felt that written examinations may reduce the problem (Burnard 2002). Doing our job correctly will guaranty that we learn in the process and also that we will get the grade we worked for. In my case, I am writing this paper because due to wrong quotation, it was understood that used someone else information as mine. In order to avoid this in the future, students have to make sure to follow the guidelines when it comes to proper citation. It very important to have credit to whom deserves it, and that’s why double checking and practicing the properly citation its key in order to have a clean paper. Now, we have to be clear that any material that is consider as common knowledge does not have to be cited. Also, field-specific common knowledge does not need citation unless it contains facts from a specific source. As I mentioned, my case was because of wrong citing, but at the end of the day the consequences are the same as of a student stealing information an using it for an assignment. Professors take this very seriously because it is not fair to the students who spend hours working. â€Å"‘This is superior work,’ wrote a professor on a student’s paper. ‘ It was excellent when Saint Thomas Aquinas wrote it, just as it is today. Saint Thomas gets an A. You get an F†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ (Alschuler and Blimling 1995, p. 123). We must understand that dishonesty in the classroom is a serious issue, it is not just a cheating situation, it is considered for some professionals as a crime that deserves a penalty. Plagiarism can be done very easily, and it can even happen when proper citation has been done. Another way to avoid plagiarism, could be by paraphrasing and adding the name of the author; for example: â€Å"According to Carlos Santana, guitars became famous in†¦ † it is a way of giving credit and making your sentences flow in a better way. I will conclude this paper by saying that we all know what plagiarism is, by this I mean that every single student know what is good and bad and academic dishonest will end when we start being honest with ourselves, our instructors and why not, also our classmates. It is true that at time it can be difficult to complete certain assignments, but there is nothing that can’t be fixed with communication. Sending an email to out instructor or asking for help will make the learning experience better and will guide us away from plagiarizing a document. Reference: – Choi, Cohen, and Brawer. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3rd ed. Vol. 3. N. p. : n. p. , 2012. Print – Burnard P. All your own work? Essays and the internet. Nurse Education Today. 22, 3, 187-188. (2002) – Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. 11th ed. Springfield, Mass. Merriam-Webster, Inc. ; 2003:946. Academic Honesty. (2018, Nov 13).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Information Systems in Business and Organizations Case Study

Information Systems in Business and Organizations - Case Study Example Schwegman claims that the oversimplified language was used because he knew he was dealing with non-technical people, but the pessimistic tone and the wealth of information shared proved to be poor organizational politics. In contrast to the pessimism of CIOs, other C-level executives and business partners have the tendency to be optimistic. Schwegman overlooked this fact and did not write his letter with a tone that would appeal to such individuals. According to Finney (1999), "A successful IS professional must determine which environment he or she is operating in-then be sensitive to the unwritten rules and act accordingly. Too often, an eager system builder begins to slip into a state the he or she is working toward the 'greater good', and then lose sight of the information politics. Rather, the IS professional must work from the business client's perspective-even if the longer term objective is to move to a new information political state. Once the current political state has been identified, the politics of change can begin." The above is what happened in Schwegman's case. ... This sent off a panic when it was taken externally. Schwegman thought he was doing the right thing. He was being open and honest about system failures. Furthermore, he had decided to take the heat for them. Had the letter only gone to individuals inside the company, the reaction might not have been so bad. However, the letter went to business partners whom definitely do not want to hear bad news such as that shared in the letter. This is definitely not to say that Schwegman should have lied, but he should have taken into consideration who was going to read the letters and adjusted his language, tone, and amount of information shared according to those facts. According to Strassman (2005, pg. 1), "If the CIO does not have the authority to set and execute information management policies, information technology cannot be sufficiently important in a company or other organization. Without an empowered CIO, accountability for technology will be diffused and unfocused." Clearly, this is not the case when it comes to Schwegman. He quite obviously has the authority to set and execute information management policies or he would not have the notion to take the responsibility for any problems that have popped up. Furthermore, if he did not have the power, the letter would not have received the reaction that it did. Take, for instance, the wording of Schwegman's letter (Schuman, 2005, pg. 1): I'll start by saying that the vast majority of system problems we have are problems related to updates," Schwegman wrote. "These update problems have been manifesting themselves as inventory update failures, missing orders, missing images, incorrect status synchs, etc. At the end of the day, all of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Operating system as a heart of the computer Essay

Operating system as a heart of the computer - Essay Example Operating systems are what most people use to interact with computers today. Desktop and laptop computers come with pre-loaded operating systems, and it is through these that the users interact with the software and applications. The operating system also takes care of all the processes so the user doesn't have to be a computer expert to use his machine. Operating systems are all about making computers available to the average person, with little technical knowledge required. Just as there are many types of computers, there are different types of operating systems. Most people know about single-user, multi-tasking operating systems, such as like Windows and Mac OS, which are on desktop and laptop personal computers. These systems are designed for one person to use to run many applications at once. (Coustan and Franklin) It is not just personal computers that have operating systems, however. Operating systems that have virtually no user interface capability and are running machines that are imbedded in various objects, like computers in cars, are known as real-time operating systems. Cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDA) use single-user, single task operating systems, as the equipment is designed to perform only one task at a time. There are also multi-user operating systems that allow many users to use the machine at the same time. A mainframe computer system is an example of this. (Coustan and Franklin) A single-user, multi-tasking o... (Coustan and Franklin) In managing the processor, the operating system has to make sure that the processor's power is being allocated around in the most efficient way possible. The operating system gives priority to background processes that need to run, such as virus checking and memory management. Applications are the programs with which the user is directly working, such as an internet browser, word processing program, or a video game. By managing the processor, the operating system will not allow the applications to take processor power away from the processes that need to run for the system to function properly. (Coustan and Franklin) Memory management goes hand in hand with processor management, as the operating system needs to allocate memory for the processes and applications to run efficiently. The operating system and drivers for hardware take up memory, and the operating system must allocate the remaining memory needed for applications. There are four different types of memory that all must be managed: Disk storage - The operating system allocates data to available spots on the hard disk, a practice known as virtual memory management High-speed cache - The operating system predicts which pieces of data the computer will need to access and stores them in this fast, temporary cache for quicker performance. Main memory - This is the RAM that specifies how much memory your machine has when you buy a new computer. Secondary memory - This is the memory that keeps the data from active applications available. (Coustan and Franklin) In device management, the operating system also talks to the hardware in the computer by way of programs called drivers. Drivers are used so that the operating system doesn't have to keep track of hundreds of